Boost your immunity with Hippocrates Integrated Modalities and Enzyme-Rich Raw Vegan Food
13 Mar 2020
At the University of Clinical Chemistry in Switzerland, Dr. Kouchakoff performed 300 experiments on the relationship between white cell counts and cooked versus raw food, and the findings we indisputable! He established that there was a pathological response of the human body to any food altered by high temperatures. He further observed that prepared or processed meat, when cooked or smoked, brought on the most violent reaction from the human immune system, which mobilized white blood cells in numbers comparable to when the body is poisoned by chemicals or pathogens.
From 1982-1983, Hippocrates did an internal program review study that confirmed these findings and drew a direct link between a raw vegan diet, immune system recovery, and the healing of catastrophic illnesses and diseases. We had 275 people participate in our study, and we measured their immune system effectiveness based on the percentages of cooked food they consumed.
Since then, have helped tens of thousands of people build their immune systems and get them on the path of a strong defense against viruses and viral infections and the flu.
Today, our news feeds are full of talk about coronavirus, viral infections and other viruses and influenzas. Your immune system is your first line of defense – and at Hippocrates, we can help you strengthen yours.
To find out more about how we can help you on your own restorative journey as you address your current health challenges and simultaneously strengthen your overall immunity, longevity and emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health call us today. Immunity is just one of the topics covered in our signature Life Transformation Program (LTP) a three-week, life-changing, tailored program that will assist you on a restorative journey as you address your current health challenges and simultaneously strengthen your overall immunity, longevity and emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health
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