Hippocrates Wellness Assists People in Taking Responsibility for Their Health

10 Jun 2019
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Category: News

Hippocrates Wellness first began more than 60 years ago by visionary and humanitarian Ann Wigmore, who developed a simple concept first voiced by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, nearly 2,500 years ago: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” The commitment to this inspired truth is embodied in Hippocrates Wellness, a non-profit organization established in 1980.

Hippocrates Wellness (HHI) flourishes within a lush, tropical 50-acre setting in West Palm Beach, Florida. Under the guidance of a knowledgeable and compassionate team, guests from all over the world benefit from health and nutritional counseling, non-invasive remedial and youth-enhancing therapies, state of the art spa services, inspiring talks on life principles and a tantalizing daily buffet of enzyme-rich, organic meals.

The goal of the institute is to assist people in taking responsibility for their lives and to help them internalize and actualize an existence free from premature aging, disease and needless pain.

The Hippocrates Life Transformation Program makes this a comfortable transition. The medical team and professional care servers support guests as they transform their lives in an encouraging environment, along with others who are recovering from similar challenges. Many guests visit the institute with various health conditions that range from chronic pain, auto-immune disorders and cancer. HHI alumni are people from all walks of life who have benefited from the institute’s blue­print.

For more information about Hippocrates Wellness, visit: https://hippocratesinst.org/ or call directly at (561) 471-8876. Hippocrates Wellness is located in West Palm Beach, Florida.

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