The Benefits of Fasting
1 May 2020
Throughout human history, fasting has been recognized in numerous cultures as an important practice for eliminating toxins from the body. Many historical figures in the Bible regularly fasted. In more recent times, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Theresa were among those who engaged in this healing practice.
Two schools of thought have emerged about food abstinence. One point of view holds that water fasts are the only correct way, while another view suggests that fasting can and should include organic plant juices for the best results. At Hippocrates, we subscribe to the latter view.
We have found that although drinking water by itself can greatly accelerate the release of toxins from the body, water fasting alone can cause unnecessary stress on the organs of elimination. Juice fasting can be just as effective as water and simultaneously nourishes and strengthens the body rather than depleting and weakening it.
Green juices and wheatgrass juice are the fasting nourishments of choice at Hippocrates. These vital juices offer the body complete proteins, which help to regulate blood sugar, and provide enzymes, which provoke emulsification of particulate matter in the organs of the body. They also supply oxygen, which acts as an antiseptic and metabolism regulator. Fasting on these green drinks affords the body greater detoxification with less discomfort than purified water alone.
Fasting can be good for everyone, with these exceptions: do not fast if you have a blood sugar disorder and you are gaunt, weak, or impaired in any other way (including emotionally). If you are considering a fast, first consult a health practitioner, such as a naturopathic physician, who is open-minded about the procedure and qualified to advise you.
We recommend fasting for twenty-four hours once a week. Table 1 provides an example of a good fasting plan. Please note that all water must be pure, either molecularly organized or distilled, and that all food you’ll be using to make your juices must be biologically grown. Wheatgrass juice accelerates detoxification and is an unsurpassed blood purifier and blood strengthener. It is rich in chlorophyll, essential amino acids, vitamins A and C, sulfur, phosphorus, and the minerals calcium, iron, and zinc.
Table 1: A Sample Fasting Plan
Time of Day |
Juice Options |
Before breakfast |
2 ounces wheatgrass juice |
Breakfast |
16 ounces green vegetable juice or green drink consisting of vegetables, such as celery, cucumbers, summer squash, parsley, watercress, and sprouts (sunflower, mung bean, green pea, clover, and/or fenugreek) |
Lunch |
16 ounces sprout juice, green vegetable juice, or a mixture of green vegetable juice, fruit juice, and/or pure water |
Bedtime |
2 ounces wheatgrass juice |
Between-meal snacks and drinks |
16 ounces green vegetable juice, extremely diluted fruit juices (for those who are not concerned about their sugar intake), or lemon water sweetened with stevia |