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The need pyramidAbraham Maslow, a great pioneer of humanistic psychology in the ‘60’s, came up with this chart to illustrate the hierarchy of human ne
Type Os are known as the meat-eaters because they purportedly need a higher percentage of protein. Ironically, or maybe more tellingly, they also run rampant in the raw-foodie world.
But what if the happiness of a given individual disregards that of others? This problem too is solved by another profound philosopher, John Stuart Mil
I came to Hippocrates Wellness as a "supporter" of my husband who has health challenges.I have to say I feel in love with HHI, the food, the therapies and the people.
Estimates show between one-fourth and one-half of the people in the United States have an elevated blood pressure, and therefore run an increased risk
It would be boring.Old fashioned competency, responsibility, and accountability aren’t popular subjects today in our touchy-feely, freedom-giving, “me-generation” society.
Men and women are reading and hearing a lot about natural hormones these days. Increasingly, women ask their physicians for guidance, but most physicians do not have the answers.
During these ages, men and women experience decreased energy, decreased sense of well-being and a lack of desire for common daily activities.
Ejuva Body Cleanse products combine Western, Ayurvedic and Oriental principles and aid in enhancing the quality of your health and your life.
While traditional medicine views health as the absence of disease, energy medicine, or electrical medicine, sees health at one end of the spectrum and
It is quite clear that the documented successes achieved by folk medicine using natural remedies, oriental medicine using acupuncture, healing by pray
Ben Hay had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Haisch about his theory. This fascinating interview is presented below.
As a Hippocrates Health Educator I am able to help thousands of people in Europe regain their health with the tools I learned at Hippocrates Wellness
Linda Frees followed the course and graduated in 2006. A frequent visitor to Hippocrates, she had already attended the 3-week Life Change program, which is a pre-requisite within the 9 weeks.
Prior to the Radiance formula, there was only one way to deliver essential nutrients to the body: through the digestive system.
-Dick Gregory/political activist and comedian told the audience at his recent fund raiser for Hippocrates Wellness that there are three leading causes
I have been a friend of Hippocrates Wellness for many, many years and am now fortunate to be located fairly close to the institute, so it
A British company, Steriseal, has developed Sorbsan, a revolutionary surgical dressing made from seaweed harvested off the west coast of Scotland.
Spiritual matters can play a fundamental role in reversing the results of our negative choices and actions.
I have had many great opportunities in life to learn about, study, observe, participate in, and experience different aspects of relationships.
Researchers at Boston University interviewed 76 adults ----- now 41 years old----who had first been studied at age five.
In a study of 990 young men and women, University of Helsinki psychologists Lusa Keltikangas-Jarvinen and Katri Raikkonen found that Type-A’s whose he
This question has puzzled me since I learned to think. I remember, when I was a little girl, everything was about exploring the truth of life.
To do this, create a positive image in your mind that represents a safe and relaxing environment. Practice visiting this imaginary place over and over again.