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Constantly updated posts featuring transformation stories, Q&As and healing advice for you and your family.

When a mother speaks about her children and a father spills over with pride for his offspring, it is the natural state of human biology.

The foundation of Hippocrates Wellness, and, in the larger perspective of planet Earth, is the greens: wheatgrass, sunflower, pea greens, sprouts, leafy greens, algae, seaweed.

Plant-based nutrition is a philosophy that regards the body as a whole and promotes the growth and consumption of natural foods, urging maximum intake of fresh, raw, living ...

Okra is well known as a blood sugar balancer which makes it a very powerful tool for diabetes. Less well known are okra’s anti-cancer benefits.
Clarifying the word truth is very difficult in this day and age. We often wish there was a magical formula to make this elusive element surface.
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida, May 1, 2019 – Hippocrates Wellness recently released its reformulated LifeGive® line of premier supplements.

Avocados are a wonderful thing to add to your diet. Native to South America, the flesh and the seed are excellent sources of soluble fiber which gets plaque out of your arteries and lowers cholesterol.
The Hippocrates Wellness, through its worldwide network, has collaborated with scientific engineers and medical experts to offer innovative devices th
Sunlight, Air and Water The vital importance of sunlight cannot be overemphasized in any healthful approach to life. Ancient peoples revered the sun as life-giver and healer.
Hippocrates Wellness Hosts Health & Happiness Open House Event @ 4 PM on April 30th, 2019 WEST PALM BEACH, Florida, April 17, 2019 – Hippocrates

by Dr. Howard W. Fisher Blood is the most unique “organ” in the body and all physiological functions are totally dependent on the capability of this diverse fluid to carry out a number of functions.

An interview with the guru of healthy oils, Udo Erasmus. | BY ANNA MARIA CLEMENT, PhD, L N | On a brisk Canadian autumn day, I sat with the world’s most famous man in the field of oils and fats, Udo Erasmus.
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida, April 12, 2019 – Hippocrates Wellness has announced their touring lectures through Europe during the months of May and June.
In our work at the Hippocrates Institute, the use of raw and living foods has evolved into a new way of living and eating. We see a new relationship between food and life.
What is the real difference between choosing organic versus conventional produce? There should be a logical reasons for spending more on produce or ta
Your nutrition questions answered from Brian Clement PhD, LN Question: I have heard that the soil is depleted of nutrients and vitamins and so people
Bugs are a reality of life in the garden. However, if left unchecked these pesky insects can spoil all your hard work by devouring much of your delicious food before you have the chance to enjoy it.
Accepting the unacceptable can lead to self-fulfillment. In 1969, pop psychiatrist Thomas A. Harris wrote a self-help manual titled, “I’m OK, You’re OK”.

Fasting. Yuck! Nobody thinks "Yeah I want to fast" especially those who struggle with overeating.

No other animal in the wild drinks the milk of another species. No other animal in the wild drinks its’ own mother’s milk past the age of weaning.

Moringa is a fast growing tree well adapted to tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world such as Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Southern Chi

How to Build a Mini Greenhouse for Growing Sprouts and Wheatgrass Many people are interested in growing wheatgrass and sprouts and other plants in a g
On your way to take a trip to the grocery store? Need some suggestions to inspire which produce to select? Here are a few Hippocrates recommendations!