The Healing Vibration of Gratitude

28 Nov 2022
Gratitude Vibration Min
Read time: 8 min
Category: Wellbeing

Many of us get caught up in our busy, day-to-day lives, throwing our attention at the challenges we face. Beyond the noise, there is a serene beauty that lies in the arms of gratitude – a precious moment when we allow ourselves to reflect on all that we feel is good in our lives. When we imagine a life without the things or people we love, we form a profound appreciation for all we have.

It's easy to forget what we are thankful for and push it to the back of our minds, behind all the things we 'must' get done. When we turn our back on gratitude, we lose a remarkable opportunity to embrace peace, love, and happiness, and to immerse ourselves in healing thoughts and feelings. When we focus our energy on appreciation for our lives, we create positive thoughts which go hand in hand with a sense of gratitude.

Create your own reality through gratitude - positive thinking

Ultimately, we see the world as we see ourselves. Positive thoughts lead to positive emotions, which influence every decision we make and action we take. When we start taking responsibility for our choices, we raise our awareness and, consequently, the quality of our lives. It all begins within ourselves and the realization that we influence all we experience and we are not just passengers in our own lives.

Our perceptions create our reality. Consider that you are where you are today, in this very moment, because of every thought and belief you've ever had about 'who' you are. It's quite overwhelming, isn’t it? However, power exists in the knowledge that we can take control of our lives and create our own reality whenever we choose. Think of it as beautifying your mind.

When we become aware of our thoughts and feelings, we realize how thoughts lead to emotions and that our beliefs must shift and evolve before our actions can.

Thoughts become actions

Our beliefs and thoughts have a profound impact on our physical body, too. When we accept how our emotions affect our physical body, we can raise our consciousness toward understanding the interdependency of all systems of life.

Have you ever eaten something unhealthy in response to something that has affected you emotionally and knocked you off balance? Or to suppress pain and hurt? Ever skipped the gym or not gone on that restorative stroll because you're feeling unsocial and low? Like the domino effect, every thought, feeling, and action affects everything else in our lives. When we become aware and take control, we realize that we have the power to influence the events and opportunities that come our way.

The Healing Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude stems from the Latin word gratus, meaning pleasing, grateful, gracious, and grace. When we allow the energy of grace and gratitude to flow through our hearts and minds, we find an inner peace that enriches our lives.

If we believe that energy follows thought, then what we think can directly impact our physical and mental health.

Allowing yourself to be grateful can help you appreciate the people in your life and shift your focus away from negative feelings and thoughts. Research has shown that embracing gratitude in your life can help you to:

  • Connect with others and make new friends
  • Enjoy higher levels of overall wellbeing and happiness
  • Enhance sleep quality and combat insomnia
  • Boost self-esteem and positivity
  • Become more peaceful, empathetic, and appreciative of what you have
  • Reduce aggressive impulses and have a deeper level of understanding for others
  • Increase your desire to socialize
  • Improve mental stamina and resilience to stressful situations
  • Cancel out negative thoughts and emotions
  • Pay attention to your inner self
  • Avoid depression and anxiety
  • Feel like you are enough

Meditate for Gratitude - the power of stillness

Meditation is an ancient practice believed to have originated in India and is predominantly associated with Buddhism throughout the Western world. However, it plays a central role in many religious traditions and rituals worldwide, as well as helping people to manage stress and improve overall wellbeing.

The practice of meditation can guide us into the present moment, encouraging a sense of awareness and awakening within oneself. Although derived from religious traditions, it has become well-known as an integral part of spirituality and holistic practices. It is sometimes considered equivalent to feeling the presence of the divine in our lives.

Stillness leads to an inner vision and feeling of who we truly are, an opportunity to be aware and conscious of ourselves and enter a state of bliss.

Consciousness is energy that we can transform into a creative force, visualizing what we desire and emitting feelings of love and gratitude for who and what we have in our lives, creating a peaceful mind so we can embrace true health, happiness, and self-empowerment.

Feelings of gratitude can also extend beyond people. They may include the beauty of mother nature, such as the warmth of the sun, soothing sounds, a majestic tree, or simply your four-legged friend. Whatever it be, just let it be.

Giving Thanks - the key to happiness

When we give thanks, we acknowledge and accept the goodness in our lives. We count our blessings and create a space and environment to reflect on what we are grateful for. Gratitude boosts neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin and the 'love' hormone oxytocin, all of which are associated with feelings of positivity and wellbeing.

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around." – Willie Nelson.

The power of unity at Thanksgiving encourages collective energies of gratitude to come together in the same moment and express their appreciation. Sometimes gaining new insight into another person's life and challenges can put our own into perspective. When we give thanks, we recognize the blessings in our lives that we may not have noticed before.

Ways to express your gratitude

Expressing feelings of gratitude can become a daily part of our lives. In fact, the more we do it, the more we benefit from it. So how do we do it?

  • Start a gratitude journal and write down what you're thankful for and why
  • Write notes of gratitude and collect them in a gratitude jar/box. Imagine you are writing to those you love
  • Meditate, allowing your mind to visualize all that you're grateful for
  • Write a letter or email to someone you're grateful for and tell them they're loved and appreciated. Even better, read it to them in person
  • Count your blessings

Give thanks at Hippocrates Wellness

At Hippocrates Wellness, we invite you to give thanks to your mind, body, and spirit by taking back control of your lifestyle choices, and allow us to guide you into the healing arms of wholesome lifestyle habits on our 3-week Life Transformation Program.

Together we will explore mindfulness, fitness, immunity, and regeneration, but most importantly, we welcome you to be yourself and embrace your full potential.
Thanksgiving is about expressing gratitude for all we have, recognizing our blessings, and reflecting on the year gone by.

We at Hippocrates believe that every day is an opportunity to show gratitude for our lives and adjust our mindset and choices so we can embrace health and longevity. During the holiday season, connecting with others brings a sense of togetherness and fulfillment to nourish the mind, body, and soul.

Contact one of our experts now for your free consultation, so you can give thanks to your life by regaining your health and living it to the fullest!

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