Brian & Anna Maria: Keynotes at the Appleseed Conference West Palm Beach

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A Special Workshop featuring Global Leaders practicing Integrative Care, each for over 5 decades:

Brian & Anna Maria Clement, PhD, LN - Co-Directors of Hippocrates Wellness

Brian and Anna Maria Clement, Ph.D., L.N, Directors Hippocrates Wellness

Globally-Renowned Speakers, Authors, and Weight Loss and Wellness Pioneers, Brian and Anna Maria Clement, Ph.D., L.N., have both spearheaded the progressive health and wellness movement for over 50 years. As the Co-Directors of Hippocrates Wellness, they facilitate the implementation of innovative natural health and weight loss treatments alongside progressive life transformation programs through diligent research and advanced technology. 

1). Every Ticket Sold includes a PLUS ONE BOGO! Invite a new or old friend, colleague, or special guest!
2). The first 25 SOLD includes a LUNCH or DINNER that last Saturday Complimentary! 1 MARCH 2025
3). Every Workshop Ticket SOLD will also include Complimentary Book written by Brian & Anna Maria Clement, Phd, LN.

RSVP and Register

