Curry Cauliflower & Cabbage Sauerkraut (Raw Vegan & Fermented)
- Ingredients for 1 Blender:
- 3 Cloves Garlic
- 1 Thumb Ginger
- 5 Tsp. Curry
- 1/3 Tsp. Graham Masala
- 1 Tsp. Kelp Powder
- 1 Large Handful Shredded Carrots
- Fill remainder with chopped yellow pepper.
- Blend the marinade until smooth.
- Fill a glass jar half way with thinly sliced cauliflower, cabbage, and shredded carrot.
- Place the apple in the center of the cabbage.
- Place the remaining ½ of the cauliflower, cabbage and carrot on top. Press down firmly.
- Cover the vegetables with the blended marinade.
- Cover the top of the cabbage with a layer of hydrated kombu seaweed.
- On top of the Kombu, place a layer of cabbage leaves.
- Cover your container so that no foreign matter can enter the mixture. The mixture will begin to foam and bubble as a result of the fermentation process. Leave out at room temperature.
- Let stand for 3-5 days.
- Discard the cabbage leaves, Kombu, and apple in the middle.
- Place the mixture in a container for storage and refrigerate.
Meal Plans & Recipes
Fancy a new recipe to try? Discover a variety of delicious vegan recipes including our "world famous" Hippocrates Green Juice recipe!
Chef Ken Blue’s cherry cobbler recipe is a delicious, guilt-free dessert packed with the nourishing benefits of raw, plant-based ingredients. This vegan twist on a classic favorite will satisfy your sweet tooth!
Looking for a plant-based immune system boost? Vitamin D can be found in mushrooms! According to a study published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine in 2011 “Vitamin D can modulate the innate and adaptive immune responses. ” We hope you enjoy this healthy and delicious way to get your vitamins today.
Enjoy our sprouted chickpea hummus and you will also reap the benefits of living food enzymes, increased digestibility, and plant-based protein.
Everyone goes crazy at Raw Fest for our Banana “Nice Cream” with our simply perfect Date Carob Sauce. When you freeze bananas and then put them through an auger press juicer (using the blank attachment), you will create a tasty alternative to ice cream that is just as thick and creamy as the cow’s milk-based variety!
Kimchi is low in fat and high in fiber and even better when you make it yourself! To top it all off, an easy low fat dressing can be made by simply putting your kimchi in the blender and blending till smooth.
You could say we are a little crazy about our green juice here at Hippocrates. We drink it twice a day and believe our recipe offers the perfect balance of nutrients and flavor.
Happy being vegan but miss your favorite dressing? Try our vegan friendly No Honey Mustard Dressing as a dip, dressing, and all around fantastic condiment!
Filling, rich, creamy, and fully raw vegan. Enjoy our recipe for these sumptuous mushrooms as is, or warm right out of your dehydrator.