Healing our World
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The Healing our World magazine
If you want to stay abreast of what’s happening at Hippocrates and with important issues that affect our world, we invite you to stay in touch through our quarterly magazine - Healing Our World. Hippocrates Wellness’s quarterly magazine is full of stories and resources.
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Hippocrates Wellness is committed to educating the world to ensure a healthier future for both you and the planet.
The Recovery 25 Issue: Ask the Experts - Recovery Stories 2025 - We Need to Be Committed - Rumble with Recovery
The Quantum Human Issue: Ask the Experts - All Together Now - Quantum Humans - Biological Photons
The Humanity Issue: Ask the Experts - Whispers of Wellness - A New Conception of Cancer - Humanity's Proof of Humanity
The Energy Medicine Issue: Ask the Experts - Community is Medicine - The Invisible Rainbow - Energy School
The Recovery Issue: Ask the Expert - Your Recovery Stories - The Path to Self-Healing - Recovery is Real
The Hope Issue: Ask the Expert - Hope Does a Body Good - Women Face Massive Challenges - Wellness Trends to Watch
The Love Issue: Ask the Expert - We Belong to Love - No Time to Die - Choose to Live in Love
The Care Issue: Ask the Expert - What's Love Got To Do With it? - Smile with Confidence - Caring from Deep within a Heart of Love
The Fitness Issue: Ask the Expert - Your Stories - The Best Medicine - Whose Business Is It?
The Regeneration Issue: What is Thermography? - Optimism - Resilience through Regeneration - The Meme is the Message
Ask the Expert - There is no Planet B - The Sound of One Hand Healing - Community and Immunity
The Mindfulness Issue: Mining Your Mind’s Magic - Global Wellness Trends - A Beginner's Guide to Mindfulness - Shelter from the Storm
Gratitude: Glorius Gratitude - The Power of Belief - Personal Freedom - I Sing the Body Electric - Mindfulness - Fountain of Youth - A Profound Discovery
Create freedom for yourself through smart lifestyle choices and take hold of a happy, healthy future.
Renewal through the mind, body, and spirit approach to wellbeing.
With an overall theme of Recovery 21, the latest edition covers topics including: A World Healing, Seven steps to slow the aging process, and Wellness Trends.
The latest edition has an overall theme of ‘Immunity and Wellbeing’, and as ever covers a rich vein of topics, from black health matters to immunity; post-prandial endotoxemia to energy medicine.
We want to share something very exciting - our new-look magazine, Healing our World, just one part of Hippocrates’ latest brand evolution. With the theme of Life, Longevity, and Vitality, the magazine covers a wealth of topics.
Featured in this issue: THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE. Thoughtful work can help you find the inner you. Brian Clement explains that knowledge on a cellular level can become wisdom, which often can lead to greater awareness and enlightenment.
In This Issue: Roads to Recovery - A special section highlighting 10 different stories from guests who have experienced true transformation from the programs offered at Hippocrates.
Featured in this issue: A LIFE-CHANGING JOB. Ronn and Amanda Schuman were both medical professionals when Ronn received the phone call that took them to Hippocrates Institute and changed their lives in ways they never anticipated.
Featured in this issue: THERE ARE NO LIMITS. Brian Clement, co-director of Hippocrates Wellness, talks about breaking through the barriers of perceived limitations and overcoming obstacles. Then and only then can we achieve our full potential.
Featured in this issue: HEAL YOUR MIND. HEAL YOUR BODY. Though physical health is a most valued cornerstone to wellness, it cannot work alone. Brian shares his own history with coming to accept that “mind” and “matter” are a package deal.
Featured in this issue: THE GIANTS WHOSE SHOULDERS WE STAND ON. Anna Maria gives us a holistic history lesson on eight healthcare greats who have shaped the current landscape of food as medicine.
Featured in this issue: ELLE AND WELLNESS. Anna Maria caught up with Elle Macpherson during her most recent visit to Hippocrates to ask about her life as a model and promoter of holistic wellness.
Featured in this issue: RECAPTURING INNER SPIRIT. Today’s rules-based approach to spirituality has numbed our innate sense of self. Brian Clement explains what we can do to rediscover the true depth of our human spirit.
Featured in this issue: HEALED AND TRANSFORMED 2018. Every year we reach out to our alumni in search of inspiring testimonies of the Hippocrates Lifestyle creating wellness where there was illness.
10 tips for top performance! Find out exactly what to eat straight from our triathlete and more!
Does fat actually make you fat? Breast cancer awareness. The new frontier of gut health in Science.
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