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Over the past few decades, we at Hippocrates have conducted research into the electrical frequency of our food and the effect that electrical charge h

By Christopher Daniel Gonzalez, CPA MST CHHC CR Stop and count to ten! Sound familiar? It is a phrase my mother often told me as a kid when my emotion

Since I was 9 years old I was interested in sports. I got started at that age in gymnastics and very soon I realized that there was something else I needed to do just to have a better performance.

Your health and wellness questions answered by our Co-Director Brian Clement PhD, LN I have read some articles that said the best thing a person can d

As we set aside some time during this Holiday season to be grateful for the many blessings in our lives let us not forget to give thanks for the great

AN INTERVIEW WITH IAN GARRARD Research scientist validates health benefits of broccoli sprouts and eating a plant-based diet.

Article by Brian Clement, PhD, LN Truth and knowledge. These two bedfellows are not always congruent. As psychology and sociology tell us, we develop 80 percent of our personality by the age of 6.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in all plants, algae and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).

How Plants Clear the Air Are plants the best way to purify the air in your home? Indoor air can be up to can be up to 1,000 times dirtier than outdoor

When taken internally, Copaiba promotes healthy cellular function and supports the nervous system.* It also contains powerful antioxidant properties, supports the immune system, and helps soothe anxious feelings.*

Ever feel as though you’re in a rut at the grocery store or farmers market? Are you wanting to integrate healthier foods into your life to contribute to a more optimal level of wellness? Well, we are here to get you started.

Native to South America and the Caribbean, the avocado tree produces a fruit that is actually a large egg-shaped berry with a sizable seed at its center. Its use among pre-Incan and other ancient Mesoamerican cultures has been dated to about ten thousand years ago by archaeologists. The Aztecs considered avocado to be a fertility booster.

By far the largest source of added sugars (which includes both table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup) in the North American diet comes from sugar-sweetened beverages—soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, and tea and coffee to which sweeteners have been added. Statistics paint a large part of this disturbing health story.

We ask every guest coming to Hippocrates to arrive without any synthetic chemicals in their possession, especially in their personal care products. Their first step in the healing process is to remove as many toxins from their body as possible to allow the organs and immune system to operate most efficiently.

It was a long time coming but finally, in 2014, a prominent medical journal published the definitive scientific study telling consumers what many of us had already had intuitively known: eating sugar triggers not just tooth decay, but initiates the more serious condition called periodontal disease, a gum impairment which leads to even more devastating ailments.

While Bitter Melon originates from India it is now commonly grown in all tropic and sub-tropic regions world-wide including China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, the Philippines, the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean. It is widely used in these regions for both culinary and medicinal purposes. The texture is juicy and its’ appearance resembles that of cucumber only more bitter in taste and having a more bumpy and jagged exterior. It can be eaten raw and is a popular ingredient in some Southeast Asian and Indian salads.

Over 75% of Ayurvedic remedies contain Neem. The tree grows well in subtropical regions of the world including here in West Palm Beach. Every part of the tree can be used – the bark, leaves, and the seeds. Traditionally neem has been uses for a variety of therapeutic purposes.

Water is the most important nutrient for your body second only to air. You can go for months without food but, you can only go for a few days without water. Water not only keeps your tissues and organs hydrated but it also assists in the absorption of nutrients to your cells. The water you drink becomes your blood. It gives you energy, reduces inflammation, improves your skin, lubricates your joints, and helps keep you young and healthy! But, what is the best kind of water to drink and where can I find it?

As if the problematic chemicals found naturally in dairy products do not endanger your health enough to be a reason to stop consuming them, you also must factor in how dairy acts as a magnet to absorb even more pernicious contaminants from the surrounding environment. It’s a one-two punch to your well-being and the chemical load levels don’t necessarily improve much, if at all, if you use organic dairy products.

One of the biggest reasons I joined with Radiant Life Technologies over a decade ago was based on the aspect of helping people to help themselves. This new technology, coMra-Therapy, along with the device that would administer it, the Delta, were being created in order to have a practical tool to support the materialisation of helping people to help themselves.

THE VISIONARY BEHIND THE HIPPOCRATES LIFESTYLE ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS Q: I have a new infrared sauna that I’ve been using for two weeks.

At the age of 12, I became a vegetarian and during my entire life I have been active, eaten a healthy diet, exercised, and stayed fit. I was full of energy, motivated, ambitious, and always on the go. I led a very busy life and had too much on my plate. I found little time to relax or take a vacation. I did not pay too much attention to the overwhelming stress in my life.

Concerning the relationship of egg consumption to breast cancer risk, 13 separate science studies on this link were analyzed in 2014, and the results published in the journal, Breast Cancer. According to the study analysis authors, these “results showed that egg consumption was associated with increased breast cancer risk for those who consumed 5 eggs or more a week. Egg consumption was associated with increased breast cancer risk among the European, Asian and postmenopausal population and those who consumed 2 to 5 eggs a week.”