Enzyme Success

28 May 2012
Read time: 6 min
Category: Archive

Thanks to advances in science and technology it has become clear that weak­ened immune systems lead to ailments and accelerated aging. The immune system's func­tion is to fight off all foreign invaders in the body such as viruses, carcinogens, radiation, bacteria, and all foreign chemicals. It relies almost totally on enzymes to do this job. A weakened immune system has a diminished volume of enzymes due to high stress on the system by all the chemicals and microbes, as well as enzyme-deficient diets.

We get our enzymes from food. The body takes what we consume and changes them into we!1 over 3,000 unique enzymes needed for metabolic, immune, and diges­tive functions. The highest source of food en­zymes are soaked seeds, nuts and grains, and fermented fresh produce.

In a healthy GI tract there can be more than 3 pounds of friendly bacteria, which is about 20 times more than the total number of body cells. The friendly bacteria inside our GI tract can be a major daily creator of surplus enzymes-­just as much as the dietary intake of food-borne enzymes. If you cook or pasteurize your food you destroy the enzymes at temperatures as low as 115 degrees Fahrenheit. To retain adequate en­zyme population from food you must eat raw foods or unpasteurized fermented products, or consume supplements of enzymes and/or friendly bacteria. Sad to say, most of our food is either cooked or processed, so most people get very few enzymes in their diet.

When you are young, you have a high inherited population of enzymes in all of your cells as well as friendly bacteria in the GI tract. As you get older, the high demand for enzymes to process cooked foods, pathogenic microbes, viruses, and chemicals leads to more and more depletion. Tests show that a 70-year-old person has about half the enzymes of a 20-year-old. The cells of the elderly have lost more than 90% of the en­zyme concentration that can be found in infants. Aging is enzyme exhaustion.

The pancreas, which produces di­gestive enzymes, becomes less efficient as we get older due to reduced enzyme avail­ability. This means two things: (1) indigestion and reduced absorption of nutrients from food. You might have a balanced diet yet be lacking the enzymes to extract the nutrients from the food, which can result in nutritional deficiency. More than any other biochemical cause, this deficiency results in weight gain. Lack of enzymes and obesity are the "Bonnie and Ciyde's" of weight regulation. (2) This im­balance causes premature aging and vulner­ability to many forms of disease.

Furthermore, at our premier frontier research center, Hippocrates Wellness, we have shown that with an enzyme-rich plant-based diet, as well as additional use of enzyme supplements, patients with cancer, degenerative heart conditions, diabetes, and arthritis have been assisted in their healing.

Unlike the pharmaceutical and herbal weight loss supplements, enzymes, which have been consumed by over 20 mil­lion people in Europe, Japan, and the United States, show great results without any side effects. Study after study has shown that con­suming an enzyme rich diet, with additional supplemental enzymes included, can help overall health and weight management.

There are up to tens of thousands of abnormal cells floating around our bodies at all times according to Dr. Michael Williams, Im­munologist and Professor of Medicine at North­western University. When the enzyme levels are adequate, the macrophages destroy abnormal cells and help to keep their numbers in check.

Dr.'s Lapage and Miller showed that malig­nant tumors are in fact receptacles for sur­plus, incompletely metabolized protein and fats. It seems that the circulatory presence of undigested fats and protein leads to an interference with oxygen transport severe enough to threaten life itself. According to Nobel recipient, Dr. Otto Warburg, normal cells can mutate to malignant cells within a 48-hours under reduced oxygen levels. The cancer cells act like a vacuum cleaner sucking up the incompletely metabolized fats and proteins and collecting up to twenty times more protein than normal cells.

Hence we can see that cancer is, in effect, similar to obesity. In cancer cells the body stores surplus, un metabolized protein, and to a smaller extent fats, and in obesity, fat cells store incompletely metabolized fats. German researchers, in a two decade study, showed that parallel to the mechanism of protein storage into cancer cells, these also exist in another mechanism, whereby the body stores excess protein in the basement membranes of the blood vessels contributing to all forms of cardiovascular complications.

A large part of cancer research is directed towards strengthening the immune system. Dr. A. E. Leskovar showed that supple­mentation with enzymes of human subjects increased the macrophages by 700% and the natural killer cells by 1,300%.

Let's take advantage of enzymes to clean up the body ecology. Research around the world shows that enzymes help keep the body clean the same way that mi­crobes clean up the earth.

To regulate weight, consume two to ten HHI-zymes to improve digestion. This may help you gain weight or break down fat and protein to lose weight. Additionally, for those needing to lose weight, take Lipase Enzymes, which will further erode lipids. Of course the first line of defense is to consume an enzyme rich, living foods diet relying heavily on greens and sprouts and green juices which enable the body to gain the enzymes without the sugars from fruit and cooked carbohydrates. Along with exercise, this program, beyond all others, will give you the body that fits you best.

Vol 27 Issue 4 Page 18
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