Hippocrates Enzymes Break The Mold

28 May 2012
Read time: 2 min
Category: Archive

In 1993, Victoras Kulvinskas and Brian Clement initiated a research to discover a way for enzymes to enter the blood cell more efficiently. Two years later, in early 1995, the breakthrough finally came: fresh-water algae, salt-water algae, kamut grass and several types of herbs In measured quantities combined with a spectrum of enzymes made the difference.

It is a fact that the body's digestive process eventually ends up in the human cell. The human cell decides what nutrients it needs. Enzymes when introduced with algae and Kamut grass make the cell More receptive to the nutrients; they arc catapulted into the electrical field enabling the cell to absorb more of its life-giving charge.

Hippocrates, after years of Intensive research, is proud to present the finest enzymes ever created. For economic considerations, these have been packaged in a 650-veggie capsule size so that with average use, one gets a 2.5 month supply free.

Enzymes play such a vital role in human metabolism that it should be part of one's daily life. They help digest cooked and raw food, help create electrical charge and energy in the body and heighten the performance of the immune system which is the guardian of our health.

Vol 15 Issue 2 Page 2

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