Hormone Replacement Therapy

30 May 2012
Read time: 10 min
Category: Archive

Here is some good news about aging. Many people believe that aches and pains, lethargy, weight gain, thinning hair and skin, and a loss of interest in sex are all part of normal aging. This couldn't be further from the truth. All of these symptoms may be alleviated with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

As a person ages, their levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA decline. By replacing these hormones naturally one can regain all of the functions lost through hormone decline, and actually look much younger, with renewed vitality, glowing skin and hair, and a fresh outlook on life.

Sometimes referred to as "natural" hormones, bio-identical hormones are molecularly identical to the hormones that are produced in the body. They are taken from plants, altered to a state of identical molecular structure, then put into a form that can be best utilized by the patient: transdermal, oral, suppository or injections.

The transdermal delivery method, or applying a compounded cream, is considered one of the safest. That's because hormones taken orally must pass through the liver, which can impair liver function and raise triglycerides. Transdermal estrogen does not affect triglycerides, so it may be a better choice in women with elevated triglyceride levels. Avoiding the liver also prevents the increased risk of blood clots and gallbladder problems associated with oral estrogens.

Transdermal estrogen and oral estrogen have differing effects on testosterone levels in the body. Oral estrogen lowers free testosterone and can lead to androgen deficiency (affecting libido among other things), while transdermal estrogen has little effect on testosterone levels.

Bio-identical hormones have been used for decades around the world with great success. One reason they are not widely used in America is because they are made from natural ingredients that cannot be patented by the drug companies.

Bio-identical Estrogens Fight Cancer.

Bio-identical, estrogens are made from the natural, environmental phytoestrogens, which are found in foods such as legumes, apples, carrots, and garlic. Phytoestrogens are not stored in the body so they do not cause permanent damage to the body.

On the other hand synthetic estrogens, called xenoestrogens, are man-made substances that can only mimic the chemical structure of natural estrogen. Xeno means foreign, so xenoestrogens mean foreign estrogens.

Many women opt not to take HRT because of fears that the hormones may increase their chances of getting certain cancers, mainly breast, ovarian and uterine cancer. That is not the case with bio-identical therapy. In fact, inclusion of estriol may be protective against hormone-induced cancer. Estrogen

molecules bind, or attach, to estrogen receptors much like a key fits into a lock- Estriol, one of the natural estrogens, actually binds preferentially to the second estrogen receptor, preventing synthetic estrogens found abundantly in our environment, from attaching to the cells.

Synthetic estrogens found in pesticides, plastics, detergents, lacquers, body care products and even in polyester clothing, have been leaching into our water, air and food supply, causing disastrous health problems for both humans and the animal kingdom. These hazardous chemicals enter into the body and attach to the estrogen receptors if there is a space.

Male Menopause

While women have typically been  the brunt of jokes about the common ailments of menopause, typically about their propensity to use fans and air conditioners one minute then wrapping up in blankets and turning up the heat the next, men also go through hormonal changes, called "andropause," that can cause everything from thinning hair, pot bellies, less physical endurance, irritability, anxiety, depression, and loss of sexual interest and/or performance.

Men's symptoms can also be alleviated by biologically identical hormone replacement therapy. Testosterone, the male hormone, has great anti-aging properties. It can build muscle and restore muscle tone for a more youthful physique, strengthen bones, and increase libido.

While men don't get hot flashes, they do experience hormonal, physiological and chemical shifts that can affect many aspects of their lives. Beginning typically around age 30, men start to lose about one percent of testosterone every year. Every man is affected differently, but those who do have significantly low levels of testosterone may start to notice a decrease in sex drive, a tendency to be grumpy or sad, or tiredness. Worse, they may feel depressed or anxious, which may lead doctors to prescribe anti-depressants rather than administering medically approved testosterone replacement.

The most common problem associated with male menopause is impotence and problems with male sexuality. Approximately 40% of men in their 40s, 50s and 60s will experience some degree of difficulty in attaining and sustaining erections.

Men don't have to suffer these consequences, and a simple saliva test can radically alter their lives. However, because men are usually less willing to go for routine medical checkups than women, this solution is often overlooked. Ideally men should have their hormone levels tested annually, just like they get a PSA test [for prostate cancer.

Women also need testosterone, although in much smaller amounts, for their bodies to function optimally. Testosterone works differently in the bodies of men and women, but it plays a very important role in the overall health and well-being of both sexes.

The Hormone of Desire

Often called the "hormone of desire" because of its powerful effect on libido, testosterone also plays a role in women's sexuality and desire. Although testosterone was discovered more than sixty years ago, only very recently have we begun to fully understand and appreciate the power of testosterone. Oprah hosted a physician on her show several years ago who talked about how the addition of small amounts of testosterone can greatly improve a woman's sexual desire and response. The dose in women is generally one-tenth that used in men.

Bio-identical hormone therapy is available at Hippocrates Wellness from Dr. Blossom Kunnel. Contact Hippocrates for more information. If you are attending Hippocrates, don't miss Dr. Blossom's lectures on anti-aging.

(On the following pages you will find stories from patients of Dr. Blossom who have benefited greatly . from natural HRT. . . )

I had heard about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) before coming to Hippocrates, but I had never taken the opportunity to learn about it, mostly because I felt reasonably well and I attributed my symptoms, such as a loss of energy, dry skin, Osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis) and (much to my surprise) a decrease in sexual energy, to natural aging.

It was during my first stay at Hippocrates, when I attended Dr.Blossom's talk on Health and Aging,  that I learned that there was help for my symptoms. I      made an appointment with Dr. Blossom, took the saliva test, and decided to give HRT a try.

The improvements were gradual but noticeable almost immediately. Not only did I not have an afternoon slump at the office but I was raring to go to the next meeting. I even started running in the mornings before work. My overall energy level has been heightened.

My dry skin, which seemed hopeless, came back to life and I realized that the problem had been systemic. When my estotician commented on how healthy my skin looked I was thrilled and I have given up searching for ever-more-expensive wonder creams.

I had had a bone density test and was told I had Osteopenia, not much but something to watch. The next year I went back for another test and not only had the bone loss stopped but my bone density had actually improved. The doctors were amazed, as am I.

My partner of many years and I have always enjoyed each other immensely, but gradually sex seemed to be less important - I shall not go into great detail but suffice it to say we are back on track. (He also started HRT.)

Hippocrates offers so many opportunities for learning and healing, all of which have made a difference in my life. One of the biggest differences is HRT. Thank you Dr. Blossom.

Carol Parks

I have been using the HRT cream for about six months. The main benefit for me was the consistent energy level I had all through the day, with no mid-afternoon "crash." I have always had fairly good skin but now it is unbelievable and I do not have to use any lotions.

I did not really realize the benefits of the cream until I ran out of it and went without it for two weeks. In that time I found that my new energy was waning and that I was tired. With the cream I could run 3 - 5 miles a day; without the HIRT I do not feel the enthusiasm to even go running.

Keith Leighton

I first heard Dr. Blossom's lecture about a year ago. She explained about hormones and how, just like our fingerprints, our individual hormones are equally unique. I felt bio-identical hormones were important for me to look into. I am an advocate for prevention, so with turning 50 years old and going through the stresses of care-giving, then losing my husband to cancer, I had concerns about how my body was dealing. I wanted to gain back my energy.

One of my biggest concerns at that time was a recent Thermascan test I had. The results came back at a 4 on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the worst. The 4 rating was a big surprise and scare for me. I had also had a digital mammogram that showed three calcifications so I knew I wanted to improve my health quickly.

When I did the first saliva test a year ago, Dr. Blossom was very concerned that my progesterone level was extremely low, which made me estrogen dominant. She put me on a progesterone cream. Four months later at my next testing, my progesterone came back at a much higher level.

Dr. Blossom explained that I would be better protected now against developing breast cancer. At this point I breathed a sigh of relief. I also realized that with my improved hormone levels I was sleeping better, I was not experiencing facial inflammatory breakouts, my monthly cycles were spaced more ideally, and I had an increased libido. At my next testing all my hormone levels were in the optimal balance and my next Thermascan results improved to a 3.

I feel blessed that I met Dr. Blossom and am able to be back in control of my health.

Kathy Gray

Vol 27 Issue 2 Page 35

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