Hippocrates Wellness TripAdvisor Rating

About six years prior to my stay at Hippocrates Wellness, I was diagnosed with a “progressive and incurable” neurological disease, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. This illness of the central nervous system causes the body to take normal stimuli as painful in affect.Maria Mooney, Middletown, New Jersey
…I suffered with increasing pain and limited mobility for three years prior to the diagnosis. I entered the traditional medical system for treatments once my cluster of symptoms was given a name and a course of action. Unfortunately, the traditional treatments were nothing more than palliative care and, sadly, they only served to worsen my condition over time…
…I followed the program for 12 months, and one year later, I returned to the facility for another three-week stay. Both experiences were magnificent! The staff was attentive and helpful, the food was divine and the location could not have been better for healing. Brian and Anna Maria Clement, along with all of the other medical and hospitality staff, restored my hope…