Using The Science Of Sound

1 Jun 2012
Read time: 3 min
Category: Archive

Assisted by a broad base of specialists in psychology, medicine, biochemistry, psychiatry, electrical engineering, physics, and education, Robert Monroe developed HEMI-SYNC, a low-cost, patented audio technology that facilitates enhanced performance.

Hemi-Sync (hemispheric synchronization) is based on the natural functioning of the brain, using patterns of sound to create simultaneously an identical wave-form in both brain hemispheres. This means that when your ear hears a certain type of sound signal, the brain tends to respond or “resonate” with similar electrical signals.

The Institute’s dogma is that: “Consciousness is a form of energy at work” and it can be tapped, controlled, and used; because thoughts create reality, we are what we think, and we limit ourselves by what we think; belief systems modulate how we experience ourselves and the world around us.”

Hemi-Sync applications provide educational experiences and are said to be learning tools for those interested in exploring the realms of their own consciousness. It helps strengthen mental, physical and emotional capabilities and empowers one to experience these enhanced capabilities as one chooses. Through its unique combinations of sound frequencies, it facilitates self-directed control of consciousness and enables listeners to accomplish goals by achieving a focused, productive, coherent mind-brain state.

The applications of Hemi-Sync are limitless. Researchers are testing the technology in a wide variety of fields, including medicine, mental health, stress management, and education. In the physical arena alone, studies have shown that people utilizing Hemi-Sync can control pain, strengthen the immune system, hasten recuperation from surgery, lower blood pressure, and enhance recovery of speech and motor skills after a stroke. It has also been used to combat insomnia, improve concentration, and even eliminate math phobia.

In 1974, The Monroe Institute evolved from the original research group and began conducting learning seminars in self-control of human consciousness. These seminars were held at various sites, both in the U.S. and abroad, until 1979 when a facility was built in the foothills of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. It provides a center which houses program participants and staff, classrooms, conference rooms, lecture hall, and a research laboratory and recording studio. Over 8,000 people have attended Institute programs and it is estimated that millions have benefitted world-wide from Hemi-Sync learning exercises now available on audio-cassette and compact disc.

This was Monroe’s mission and his business: to help people transform themselves and understand that we are “more than our physical body, more than matter, greater than the physical universe, and so are not limited by the time-space constraints.”

Now under the direction of Monroe’s daughter, Laurie, the Institute continues to expand the frontier of knowledge about consciousness and the mind’s unlimited potential.

For more information contact: The Monroe Institute, 621 Roberts Mountain Road, Faber, Virginia 22938; (804) 361-1252 E-mail: [email protected]Vol 16 Issue 4 page 3
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