No Room for Sickness

12 Aug 2021
Karina Leposa Schmitt (1)
Read time: 7 min
Category: Cancer

This is my story and the development into discovering a wonderful organization named Hippocrates Wellness.

I was born in Argentina, lived in Puerto Rico, and now am a Florida resident. Married to a wonderful man and have three kids. Since childhood, I have had a very stressful life, with horrendous eating and sleeping patterns. Continuous sickness and the constant development of poor eyesight.

At age 36, while living in Puerto Rico, I was diagnosed with Stage 0 BC. Doctors recommended surgery with a partial mastectomy with reconstruction. I felt very alone with no one to consult on this medical issue, I followed their advice. Five years later, in Florida, I was exhausted and shocked to find a mysterious lump under my armpit requiring me to find medical assistance. After frequent visits to the doctor, the results were dangerous low iron levels and a Stage 3 BC diagnosis. With this diagnosis: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation seem inevitable. These solutions did not seem stable, like small patch covering a gaping hole. A friend mentioned I search Dr. Mercola's website and others suggested to do Dr. Bernie Siegel’s visualizations, started EFT, and changes to diet and exercise These changes caused faster beginning into remission. Doctors always clueless about diet/health habits. I specifically remember them saying, “Eat whatever makes you happy, even ice cream”. Even then, no changes to my diet occurred. As my body was weakening, I wondered how I could make my body stronger. I knew that in the standard medical field I would not find the answers. From different sources, I received very interesting books: Dr. Breuss’s about Cancer, The Gerson Diet, and a funny one called “Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips, by Kris Carr. This last one caught my full attention. There she mentioned Hippocrates Wellness and talks about wheatgrass, juicing veggies, and other approaches regain health. I watched documentaries such as “Fork over Knives”, “Game Changers”, “Big Fat, and Nearly Died”. I felt a growing passion, nature could provide all you needed. Hippocrates became my dream, what is strived for.

In 2020 COVID came and changed the world, with lockdowns, and no ability to travel, the opportunity to study was at my door. I called Hippocrates, signed up for an online course, as well as the Noble Manhattan coaching course. This time, sprouting, juicing, changing my diet, became my routine after I had fallen off track eating sugars and animal products. I felt so empowered, all resonated with my true self. In August 2020 while exercising, an excruciating pain in my left hip made me stop abruptly. Visits to the doctors confronted me again with the disease. This time Stage IV Breast cancer. So many decisions to take, I was terrified. Doctors in my area wanted to do surgery but were unsure, so they sent me to a Cancer Center in Tampa. Surgery was not needed but to ease the pain I had to do radiation. I mentioned my new lifestyle, but the doctors weren’t sure about that. They sent me home with a walker as I was not allowed to put any weight on the hip to prevent fracture. At that radiation therapy center, while waiting my turn, I started to share with the other patients what I was learning, after being asked how I was able to have so much energy. Soon I had many waiting for me every day to teach them about what was Hippocrates and the lifestyle. Even technicians were taking notes. On Thanksgiving 2020 with the support of my husband and my kids, my dream was coming true. I had the great opportunity to visit Hippocrates. The welcoming feeling was immediate. The staff and even guests were so nice. At Anna Maria’s consultation, I listened carefully to all the recommendations from the readings of the different tests they do to you at your arrival. Shortly after, Brian Clements comes into the room and says to me “you are going to be well”. I always remember those words.

Brian and Anna Maria’s lectures are so powerful and interesting. They talk with the truth.I followed all I could do from the weekly schedule. With an electric scooter from HHI I was able to move around campus. Dipping into the mineral pool and doing yoga with Tania was incredible. She saw my difficulties with the leg and her gentle hands and voice helped me to get into as many yoga positions as possible. The breathing techniques were amazing. The psychotherapy sessions with Andy, Anthony, and Sara helped me understand many things. I learned about the use and benefits of doing sauna, which I do now regularly. I did IVs and oxygen therapies. At the OASIS I had my first colon therapy, Swedish massage, lymphatic drainage, and other therapies like NuCalm and QRS. These last two devices I was able to bring home. Growing wheatgrass and sprouting seeds I had already started at home with the online course but having sprouts already available with such a variety, dressings and other delicious preparations made it enjoyable and easy, it gave me the chance to sit with other guests and share experiences. And the beauty of it is that I made new friends. Soon enough I could feel changes in my body, I could sleep better, was losing unwanted weight, my mind was clearer, and my energy level had improved. When I came back home, everybody wanted to know about my experience and learn about this new lifestyle, because they could see my improvements. Now 8 months already into a 100% Hippocrates lifestyle, I am doing better, I can walk normally without a walker or a cane. I can even use my spinning bicycle.

I know I have still a long way to go, but I am resilient. One of the guests at Hippocrates that recovered from terminal liver cancer told me “God moves mountains, but He gives you the shovel”.

The body is a miracle of God, there is nothing more perfect. And we are in charge to keep it in good condition. If God resides in you, you become the temple. He puts us in midst of nature that is perfect as well, all works synergistically in harmony and balance. If we learn to calm our minds and feel the beat of our heart in connection with nature, there is no room for sickness, only health and unconditional love that connects us with the divine.


Article by: Karina Schmitt 

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