Q&A with Brian Clement PhD, LN
20 Sep 2019
Q: I have a new infrared sauna that I’ve been using for two weeks. I started at 95 degrees for 10 minutes, and now I’m at 100 degrees for 20 minutes. I have no major health issues, but my blood pressure hovers around 144/86 and I’m a 68-year-old female who takes no medications. I’m looking for suggested daily usage time and temperature. Thanks for the opportunity to ask a question. I appreciate and admire Hippocrates.
A: A quarter of a century ago, my colleague and friend, Dr. Coin, conducted a study on hyperthermia. He told me that it worked in the conquest of microbes and mutagens. What would be equally effective is spending time in an infrared sauna, daily. From that day forward, Anna Maria and I, no matter where we are in the world, spend a minimum of 20 minutes at a temperature up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93.33 Celsius) in a sauna or approximately 140 F (60 C) in an infrared sauna, most often after exercising. This is not only safe, but important, and I believe it is one of the many reasons I feel strong, healthy, and fi t as I’m moving soon into my seventh decade.
Q: With all the talk of gluten and how we need to rid our body from all forms, my holistic doctor still insists that wheatgrass should not be consumed. What is my argument that wheatgrass has no gluten? I know it has something to do with the sprouting. Does this mean I can eat any grain as long as it’s sprouted? Please clarify so I can show this to my doctor and also better understand it myself.
A: The best way to understand the difference between the living plant of wheatgrass and that of the neutered, cooked powder of wheat is to go back and restudy basic biology. When germinating this (staff of life), it breaks the gluten down to amino acids, rendering allergies irrelevant. This is the case with any grain, so as long as it is sprouted and then eaten raw there shouldn’t be any ill effects arising from any gluten concerns.
Q: I would like to understand more of the energy theories and frequencies of the body. Do you recommend a book that will help me to understand more of my body as an energy?
A: One of the books I’ll soon complete, “Quantum Human Biology,” will explain the importance of energy and its related frequencies. Until then, you could reference “Infinite Mind” by Dr. Valerie Hunt or “The Body Electric” by Robert O. Becker. My colleague and friend, the late Valerie Hunt, measured healthy cells at 75 Hz. All disease reduces these frequencies, making your cells and body vulnerable to illness and premature aging. Living, organic, plant-based foods are the core providers of the energy that maintains the fuel for the cell. Here at Hippocrates, we have an energy medicine department, where we utilize state-of-the-art electromagnetic and laser therapies, helping to expeditiously rekindle the protective “glow-factor” in and around healthy cells.
Q: My question is about scars and keloids. I keep on getting scars on any cuts and they turn into keloids with dark pigmentation around it. This never happened when I was younger; after the age of about 40, it started. I wonder if there are any defi ciencies involved or is there any treatment available to remove them.
A: Scars, unfortunately, are quite common and actually block the meridians throughout the body from doing their essential work in maintaining superior health, so it is best if we can eliminate them. As we age, the body’s ability to prevent this tissue mutation lessens unless you maintain the highest-quality nutritional lifestyle. The use of systemic enzymes, deep and therapeutic body work, infrared saunas, and aerobic exercise all help dissolve these unwanted deviations.
Q: I am working with a nutritionist and had extensive food allergy testing done. I am shocked to be allergic to blue and green algae. Everything I have ever known of blue-green algae is that we all need it and that products like E3Live and Chlorella, which I have been taking for years, are good for everyone. Should I not take these anymore since I have tested positive on an allergy test?
A: The good news is that there is allergy testing. The bad news is, if you repeated it every day over a five-day period, you would find different results consistently. The current technology is more of a biochemical snapshot of that moment rather than an historic indicator that can be trusted. For this very reason, I generally have steered away from using this tool and worked more so with people who are willing and able to catalogue the wide variety of food they ingest as well as the environment within which they reside. From this, we can concretely establish what they are reacting to in their fare as well as particulates within their surroundings, and regrettably, today’s invisible electromagnetic smog is the biggest culprit in this matter of reactive concerns. Algae is rarely considered an allergen. Over the past half-century, I can recall only three or four people who truly reacted poorly to this predigested power food.
ASK BRIAN ANYTHING! [email protected]
Brian Clement PhD, LN Co-director of Hippocrates Wellness