Stress Reduction Program
17 Jan 2020
Hippocrates Co-Founder and a Legendary Stress Pioneer team up to launch one-of-a-kind, interactive holistic stress reduction and meditative immersion program
Stress Kills. Unaddressed stress can leave us anxious, tearful and struggling to sleep; but over time, chronic stress can trigger many health problems, such as: heart attacks, strokes, digestive problems, obesity, diabetes, auto-immune diseases, arthritis, dementia, depression and even suicidal thoughts.
According to the American Institute of Stress, 46% of the Mental Health Foundation’s 4,000 respondents claim they ate too much or unhealthily during episodes of stress, and more than a quarter (29%) blamed their chronic stress for drinking too much, while up to 16% claimed it drove them to take up smoking.
At Hippocrates Wellness, we don’t want you to be among those statistics; that is precisely why Hippocrates Co-Founder, Rev. Viktoras Kulvinskas, M.S. and Dr. Edwin Riley, Ph.D., acclaimed author of Stress Rx™ and legendary pioneer in the mindfulness-stress reduction movement, have joined forces to create the Stress Reduction Immersion Program; the most advanced, educational, and fun, interactive, meditative program to reduce stress that you will ever take! And hopefully… the last time you’ll ever need it.
The Stress Reduction Immersion Program is an add-on for all Hippocrates Lifestyle Program guests, who have already, or are in the process of, going through the Hippocrates Life Transformation Program (LTP).
- During your 1 week you will learn and practice different forms of mindfulness including guided visualizations, walking meditation, qigong forms, sitting meditation, and other valuable, mental, emotional and spiritual techniques to reduce stress, such as:
- How to scan the body to release tension and fatigue.
- Developing calmness, concentration and mindfulness.
- Medical qigong. How to remove blocks, congestion, stagnation and pain from the physical and emotional body.
- Perception and creative response: How you see things or don’t see them.
- Discovering how there is more “right” with you than “wrong” with you regardless the problem.
- Easy to learn techniques to awaken and cultivate energy from the bone marrow out to the skin.
- Muscle resistance training regardless of health condition.
- How to be mindful in everything we do.
Sign Up Now for our February 9th Session! Call: 561-623-1002