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Doctor Days

3-Day Immersion Experience at Hippocrates Wellness

Hippocrates Wellness TripAdvisor Rating

We are through this program offering a “new phase” in the field of health, one which merges a multi-disciplinary approach to bridge the terrain of complementary healthcare and traditional medicine.  

This program is designed to create the deepest impact for the professional within the shortest period of time.  We believe, along with Co-Director Brian Clement, that for a professional to experience Hippocrates first hand is imperative. Attendees of the program will see how Hippocrates comprehensive approach can positively impact the body’s immune system, aid in disease reversal and overall optimum health.  

APRIL 30 - May 2, 2025 for the 3-Day Immersion plus BONUS Saturday SPA Day Experience!

Every single Doctor Days we strive to bring the most practical yet advanced information to the Professionals Program called Hippocrates Doctor Days. We are always inspired by both the caliber of professionals coming along with their inherent interest to support their patients, clients and even families to learn about the Hippocrates Lifestyle and work together! Caroline Bryan, Doctor Days Founder

Hippocrates Wellness is Now Hosting Doctors and Professionals from around the globe for a 3-Day Comprehensive Lifestyle & Health Immersion

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*Please note that filling out this inquiry form does not constitute registration for the program.
