Twelve Immune System Boosters

30 Aug 2019
Twelve Immune System Boosters
Read time: 3 min
Category: Diet

Are you looking for some simple ways to increase your immunity this year? Start applying these simple Hippocrates principles today to start achieving better quality health week after week!



  • Get outdoors and into the sun. For twenty to thirty minutes daily, get direct and/or indirect sunlight. The best times are before 9:00 a.m. and after 3:00 p.m. in the winter, or after 6:00 p.m. in the summer. Allow the full-spectrum sunlight to enter your eyes by not wearing sunglasses during this time. The sun is the most powerful immune system builder.



  • Consume adequate oxygen. Put yourself in or near oxygen-rich environments—oceans, forests, running streams, greenhouses—and learn to breathe deeply. Eat plenty of oxygen-rich green foods. If you are indoors for most of the day, purchase an oxygen-producing air purifier.



  • Drink pure water. The best water purification processes are distilled or molecule organized. Consume in ounces the amount equal to one-half your weight in pounds. Add safe, oxygen-enhancing products to your drinking water.



  • Eat a totally vegan diet that is comprised of 75 percent or more raw food by volume. Sprouts and green vegetables are the most balanced and nourishing choices.



  • Drink freshly made beverages from sprouted green vegetables twice a day.



  • Use “regular” blue-green algae. Super blue-green algae or Hawaiian spirulina, along with chlorella, are high-quality concentrated foods that enhance immunity.



  • Stop using immune-suppressing ingredients. These include salt, refined sugars and flours, dairy products, vinegars, heated oils, and food preservatives, additives, stabilizers, and colorings.



  • Avoid microwaved and fried foods, which can suppress the immune system and lead to cancers and heart and circulatory diseases.



  • Eliminate alcohol and drugs. Unless your prescriptions are absolutely essential to your survival, stop taking them. Alcohol and drugs do not mix, except to undermine our immune systems.



  • Exercise moderately. Engage in stretching, aerobic, and resistance exercises at least five times a week for thirty to sixty minutes a day.



  • Get adequate rest. Sleep and rest helps to recharge the immune system. As part of this strategy, rest the entire body once a week on a juice-and-water fast. This enables the immune system to do a weekly cleanup.



  • Keep a smile on your face. Maintaining a positive attitude is key to having a belief system that supports immunity. Read the book Anatomy of an Illness by Norman Cousins for a primer on how laughter and humor can enhance the human immune system. Nature, color, sound, music, and laughter can positively affect the immune system.



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