What Type of Water Should I Consume?
19 Apr 2021
Your body is 70% water. Your brain is 80% water, even your bones are 20% water.
Every cell in your body contains water and floats in water. Water transports nutrients to each cell and delivers these nutrients through cell membranes, while simultaneously removing the toxins that every cell creates. These toxins are then delivered to your kidneys and expelled from the body. Water delivers oxygen to each cell via red blood cells (which are mostly water) and removes carbon dioxide, which is then transported to the lungs to be expelled.
Water is required for every bodily function: breathing, digestion, growth, movement, elimination of waste, heat dissipation, metabolism, secretion and all glandular functions. Water is the basis for all chemical reactions and all electrical signals. It cools. It lubricates.
Water is the basis for life itself.
It’s vital that you not only consume enough water, but you should only consume the best water. This brings up the question, “What is the best type of water to consume?”
There is a lot of misinformation about what is the best type of water to consume, so we want to set the record straight.
Water is a molecule with two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, often referred to as H2O. To be specific though, liquid water is not actually H2O, but rather it forms long strings of H2O molecules grouped together. Water only becomes H2O when it evaporates and becomes a vapor (you will soon see that this is a very important point).
Water has remarkable properties that make it essential for all life on this planet, such as the fact that it is lighter when it freezes solid. This means that ice floats, so bodies of water rarely freeze solid, which is why fish are able to survive in subzero temperatures.
But another aspect of water is even more fascinating, and that is called the hydrologic cycle. As you know, most water on Earth is in the oceans, which contain very salty water. So where does fresh (non-salty) water come from? Interestingly enough, it starts in the oceans. Here’s how it works…
The Sun provides heat to the oceans, which causes the water to evaporate. When water evaporates it becomes pure H2O, and it leaves all of the contaminants behind in the ocean. The pure water vapor rises, and then condenses into clouds. When conditions are right, the water in the clouds precipitate into drops of water and then fall to the Earth. Rainwater, as long as there is no air pollution, is high purity water.
This is the source of all fresh water on the planet, from lakes, streams, rivers and even underground aquifers. This is why you and I are alive today.
This process is actually water’s built-in water purification process: evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
To answer this question, we have to look at the type of water humans evolved to drink. Humans, like most animals, drank rainwater directly or they drank recently fallen rainwater from streams (the fresher the better). This was high purity water.
Humans did not drink water that contained any modern-day chemicals, pharmaceuticals or refined metals. The chemicals we are surrounded by today have only been in our environment for the past 150 years or so.
Nor did humans often drink ground water, which is typically high in minerals. Europeans only started drinking mineralized ground water after they formed communities, which had poor sanitation. Ground water proved to be safer than the bacteria ridden streams and rivers, but this is not what humans were meant to drink.
So, the answer to the question, “What type of water should I consume?” is very simple: you should consume the purest water possible. It is very important that you should drink the purest water available, because any impurity puts stress on your body.
The fact is, we live in a very toxic world, and these toxins have been linked to countless illnesses. The majority of toxins have unknown effects on our bodies, but the effects are clearly significant and worse than modern medical science acknowledges.
Let’s look at some different examples…
Tap Water: As was demonstrated in Flint, Michigan, tap water can contain high levels of dangerous contaminants without your knowledge. A month after lead was found in Flint, an independent investigation showed that over 2,000 other water systems across all 50 States also had high levels of lead in the water. And this is just one toxin out of the 100,000 possible toxins.
Mineral Water: Humans were not meant to drink mineral water. The minerals in water are not in a usable form for humans. These minerals can build up in your body and are just one more contaminant that your body has to get rid of.
Alkaline Water: To alkalize water, you have to start with contaminated water. Pure water naturally has a neutral pH and cannot be alkalized. Alkalized water should not be consumed.
Filtered Water: Filters (including reverse osmosis) are typically better than just drinking tap water, but they produce variable results so you can’t count on them and the purity of water they produce declines over time, thus requiring “filter changes”
Distilled Water: The purest form of water available is distilled water, which is why freshly distilled water is the best type of water to drink. The distillation process mimics nature’s hydrologic cycle of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. In other words, distillation uses water’s built-in purification process to purify water.
Brian Clement has used a water distiller for 50 years to produce the highest purity drinking water for his family. He credits his distiller with playing a key role in protecting his family’s health over the years and he says that his Pure Water distiller was one of the best investments he has ever made.
The brand of distiller that Brian purchased decades ago was called a “Pure Water” distiller. This is a USA-based company that is still producing US-made, high quality water distillers. Pure Water and Hippocrates partnered up to offer a special price for the Hippocrates audience.
Learn more at www.HippocratesWater.org
If you want to take a significant step towards health and vitality, we recommend investing in a Pure Water Distiller.